The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
~ Andy Rooney
Our office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm except during company holidays.
We provide 24 hour on-call service, 7 days per week to ensure that you receive adequate care. A qualified staff member is on-call to accept member calls, referrals for service and to arrange service for member emergencies as needed.
More Detailed Information
Bathing - Bathing is essential to an individual’s personal hygiene and more importantly, to the way a person feels. Not only do our bathing services ensure that members continue to feel comfortable in social situations, but they also maintain skin integrity, stimulate circulation, and reduce the potential for infection.
Walking & Ambulation Assistance – Keeping on the move is vital to both mental and physical well-being. Hands On In-Home Care, LLC makes sure that movement occurs on a regular basis and takes into account any physical limitations for each member.
Posture Positioning – Positioning members in the proper postures is something often overlooked in the elderly home care regimen. However, proper posture encourages better digestion and circulation, and aides in the prevention of muscle atrophy and skin sores.
Continence Care - Assistance with urinary and bowel care can be vital to remaining socially active. Our caregivers and home health aides understand the sensitivity of this situation and are experienced with providing such care.
Oral Hygiene – Aging and disabled clients may lack the fine motor skills required for something most people take for granted. Assisting with proper mouth, gum, and denture care can be vital in the prevention of tooth decay, gum disease, and other infection.
Special Diet/Meal Preparation - Our caregivers and administrators will work with family and other healthcare professionals to plan meals according to members’ specific needs. This could include specifications for diabetics, low sodium needs, puree, or others.
Eating Assistance – In some cases, members’ are unable to feed themselves. Hands On In-Home Care, LLC caregivers are sensitive to the emotional issues connected with the inability to perform this basic function and can provide caregivers trained in the appropriate safety precautions.
Toileting Assistance – This is another basic life function, that when lost, is difficult to deal with emotionally. Hands On In-Home Care, LLC caregivers know how to discreetly aid in this sensitive area, providing physical help and addressing all types of toileting needs.
Caring Companionship - Having someone to sit and visit with can help make for a happier life and provides our clients with something to look forward to. Hands On In-Home Care, LLC caring companionship services cover anything from conversation, eating a meal together or just having someone in the home to visit.
Medication Reminders – Did you know that medication mismanagement is one of the most common causes of hospital admissions? Our home health aides can remind clients to take their medications, report side effects, and assist with pre-measured medication packages to help members avoid potentially dangerous medication mismanagement. Although our caretakers cannot administer medications, they can remind our clients to take their medication and at the appropriate time. Hands On In-Home Care, LLC also offers a medi-set service that can greatly assist our members with their medications.
Meal Preparation - As part of our elderly care services, a Hands On In-Home Care, LLC caretaker will prepare a nutritious meal and clean up afterwards. The opportunity to eat regular, healthy meals can maintain strength and hydration, promote recovery, and assure appropriate absorption of medications.
Shopping & Errand Services - A caretaker can run errands such as picking up prescriptions, dry cleaning, or supplies for social events. Some specific examples include:
Grocery shopping – this can be done with or without the member. The member can also specify particular stores and the caretaker can assure compliance with prescribed diets.
Incidental shopping – Caretakers can take members wherever they need or want to go. More than just maintaining independence, social stimulation is therapeutic as well.
Light Housekeeping – Hands On In-Home Care, LLC can assist with vacuuming, dusting, cleaning floors, cleaning bathrooms, cleaning kitchens, taking out the trash, straightening rooms, organizing closets and drawers.
Laundry Services – Washing clothes and linens can be a strenuous activity. Hands On In-Home Care, LLC can wash, dry, fold, iron and put away a member’s laundry for them, alleviating physical stress.
Bathing Assistance - Many times our elderly or disabled clients are capable of performing their own bathing and other personal care services. However, the peace of mind that comes with knowing that a trained Hands On In-Home Care, LLC caregiver is standing by for assistance and safety supervision often gives the member/family some necessary reassurance.
Family Respite Care – In situations where we provide a respite for a primary family caregiver (e.g. a wife caring for a husband or a daughter caring for her mother), we find that with our help the family relationship can strengthen when one removes the considerable stress that the role of family caretaker can bring. We find that most often care for a member is a family situation, not just an individual member needing care. We are always mindful of this when advising families on elderly home care.
Recreational Activities – Hands On In-Home Care, LLC caregivers can take the member out to enjoy their favorite activities or stay in the home and play a hand of cards or a board game. We want our members to remain engaged and to maintain the hobbies and activities they’ve always enjoyed.
Personal Hygiene & Dressing Guidance – Part of our elderly home care services include reminding and guiding members toward good hygiene. We can also help put together outfits and help button buttons, tie shoes, put on socks.
Incoming Mail Organization – Our members need not worry about sorting through the myriad of junk mail we all seem to get these days. Our caretakers sit down with members and assist in sorting the important mail such as bills, etc. Additionally, we can provide reminders for when bills are due.
Family Care Plan Review – Keeping the family informed of the caregiver plan and answering any questions is a cornerstone of our Hands On In-Home Care, LLC services. We want everyone to feel comfortable with the elderly home care situation and keeping the lines of communication open is key. Whether you live in the same town or are on the opposite coast, Hands On In-Home Care, LLC will make sure to keep in touch with the family on a consistent basis.
Non-Medical Home Care Business Providers assist individuals with their Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) and a physician's order is not needed to have non-medical home care services. ADL's are routine activities that most people take for granted and that people tend do every day without needing assistance. There are six basic ADL's: eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring (walking) and continence. When people are unable to perform these activities, they need help in order to cope, either from Caregivers or mechanical devices or both. Not only do Caregivers provide specific assistance with certain ADL's for their clients, they also provide companionship and a sense of security by just having a Caregiver on duty with a member. Some of the specific areas Non-Medical Home Care Business Providers assist their members are assistance with:
Ambulation, walking, using a walker, repositioning in a bed, or using a wheel chair
Transferring to and from bed to commode, from bed to chair or wheelchair, or a vehicle
Personal hygiene care
Continence of bowel and/or bladder issues and products
Using the commode
Bathing in bathtub, showering, or bed bath
Shampooing, rinsing, and drying of the hair
Shaving, both electric and manual
Oral hygiene, including brushing teeth and denture care
Dressing and undressing
Meal and snack preparation according to the clients dietary requirements, serving, and cleanup
Laundry, including washing, drying, folding and putting the clothes away
Transportation for grocery shopping, Doctors appointments, and other errands
Light housekeeping, such as making the bed and changing bedding, cleaning the bathrooms, the client's bedroom, the kitchen, etc
Conversation and companionship
Whether its conversation and company, or just eating a meal together, having someone to sit and visit with can help make for a happier, healthier life.
Meal preparation
Many seniors do not have the opportunity to eat a well-balanced meal. Let our caregivers prepare a hot, delicious, nutritious meal. This service gives our clients the opportunity to eat the nutritious meals they need to enjoy healthier living.
Light housekeeping
Vacuuming, dusting, sweeping and mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms to include sinks, showers, tubs and toilet, cleaning kitchens, sinks, appliances, counters, taking out the trash, straightening all rooms, organizing closets and drawers, cleaning any interior windows that can be reached without a ladder.
Errand services
Caregivers can run errands such as picking up prescriptions, going to the post office, etc.
Grocery shopping
Caregivers will shop with or without the member accompanying them. They can shop at any store the member prefers.
Respite or relief for family
Rest and relief for family members who are assisting with the care of their loved ones. Hands On In-Home Care, LLC can provide assistance so you can run errands, go shopping or get some much-needed rest.
Medication Reminders
Although our caregivers cannot administer medications they can assist the individual who shares in the responsibility of taking their own medication. Assisting with opening medication containers or medi-paks, reading labels and reminding the person to take their medications are all ways in which we can assist.
Grooming and dressing guidance
We can help button buttons, tie shoes, put on socks, etc.
Incidental transportation
Trips to doctor appointments, barbershops, beauty salons, shopping, wherever the member likes to go. Getting seniors out and about is good for their mind, body and spirit.
Laundry and linen washing
This can be done in either the members home or the Laundromat includes washing, drying, ironing and putting things away.
Recreational activities and crafts
Whether its cards, board games, or a walk in the park, We can help our members stay active in mind, body and spirit. We also can take the member out to enjoy their favorite activities.
Mail assistance and organization
We can assist the member in separating the junk mail from the important mail, and let them know when bills are due.
Periodic review and communication with family
On a recurring basis we can contact the family to discuss how things are going, answer any concerns or redefine any services that may be needed. This is a great service for members whose families live far away and may not be in daily contact with their loved ones.
Daily TLC phone calls
This service is just the ticket for those members who may not need someone coming to their home every day, but they and their families can have peace of mind knowing if they need something, we will be checking in.
Emergency monitoring systems
Independence, Safety and Peace of Mind. We can help you provide all of these to you or your loved ones. Help when you need it, in the event of an emergency virtually anywhere in your home at the touch of a button. 24-hour or live-in care (available in most areas) For those members who can’t be left alone, we can be there 24 hours a day
Bathing is essential to an individual’s sense of well-being. It refreshes the spirit, provides relaxation while cleansing the skin and stimulating circulation.
Activity and exercise are vital to a healthy lifestyle. The benefits of movement to both physical and mental health are seen in everyday life. Benefits include increasing stamina, strengthening the heart, lowering blood pressure, improving digestion and sleep. In addition it improves mood, releases stress and increases mental alertness
Transferring and positioning
Moving or placing a person into a correct posture position encourages the functional activity of the body’s many systems. It assists in eliminating pressure areas on the skin, reducing atrophy and stiffening of muscles, encourages proper breathing, digestion, and elimination.
Incontinence care
The inability to control urination or defecation is embarrassing to individuals and can become unsanitary if not taken care of correctly. Our caregivers understand the sensitivity of this situation and approaches to caring for individuals who need assistance.
Elimination is an important and normal body function. However, it is usually an activity that is private and one that is not openly discussed. The individual often faces embarrassment along with a sense of loss of independence. Our caregivers strive to provide an acceptable, comfortable and safe environment for all types of toileting needs.
We understand that it is usually hard for an adult to accept the idea of not being able to feed themselves. The reasons are varied; however the sense of loss of independence is real. Our caregivers understand the feelings this can cause and take the extra effort to make the environment and mealtime special.
Oral hygiene
Proper mouth, teeth, denture and gum care are essentials to good oral and dental hygiene. Daily oral care can prevent bad breath, tooth decay, gum disease and assist in prevention of other diseases.
Special diet and meal preparation
We recognize that eating is a social activity and that good nutrition is important in order for people to live life to its fullest. It is especially important for a person whose body is in a weakened condition. Proper foods give us energy to carry out the day’s activities, are necessary to rebuild body tissue, prevent disease and are essential to any healing process.
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a common form of dementia that negatively impacts the portions of the brain that effect thought, memory and language. Today, as many as 4.5 million people in the United States suffer from varying stages of AD. The initial symptoms may be as minor as forgetting names or recent events, but as the disease progresses, the Alzheimer’s patient may wander, become anxious or even aggressive.
How can we help you manage the care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease?
Most people hope to age safely and comfortably in their own home, including those managing AD. Many Alzheimer’s patients can safely stay in their own home for a period of time, and that’s where Hands On In-Home Care, LLC can provide care assistance. Many have been formally trained by local chapters of the Alzheimer’s Association or the Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR) in how to provide in-home care for AD patients. It may include:
Assisting the member with dressing or grooming
Aiding the member in communication
Improving eating habits with healthy meal planning
Enhancing home safety by implementing measures to prevent wandering or driving
And….much needed respite care for family members who may be primary care providers for the Alzheimer’s patient.